
Continuous Drift shares Meeting House Square with many other activities, so its schedule is set to fill the moments in between other events. Following is a list of the times that the project will be active in the next ten days, beginning with today.

Saturday, 21/09: 17:00-20:00
Sunday, 22/09: 9:00-20:00
Monday, 23/09: 9:00-20:00
Tuesday, 24/09: 9:00-20:00
Wednesday, 25/09: 9:00-20:00
Thursday, 26/09: 9:00-20:00
Friday, 27/09: 9:00-20:00
Saturday, 28/09: 17:00-20:00
Sunday, 29/09: 9:00-20:00
Monday, 30/09: 9:00-20:00
Tuesday, 01/10: 9:00-20:00
